Regulations Concerning the Operation of Business

Job Recruitment

  • Our company accepts job applications for all job categories within Japan. However, we do not accept applications if the content violates laws or if the wages, working hours, or other working conditions are significantly inappropriate compared to standard labor conditions. We also do not accept applications in cases of violations of certain labor-related laws (such as the Labor Standards Act and the Employment Security Act), or if the job posting is related to organized crime groups.
  • Job applications must be submitted by the employer or their representative using the designated format. If you are unable to visit our office in person, please contact us by phone or email.
  • When applying for a job posting, please clearly specify the details of the job, wages, working hours, and other employment conditions in advance through a written document or email. However, if there is an urgent need to conduct the placement and it is not possible to provide a written document or email in advance, please provide the required information through other appropriate means.

Job Seeking

  • Our company accepts job-seeking applications for all job categories within Japan. However, we do not accept applications that violate the law.
  • Job-seeking applications must be submitted by the applicant using the designated format. If you are unable to visit our office in person, please contact us in advance by phone or email.

Job Placement

  • In accordance with the spirit of freedom of job choice as stipulated in Article 2 of the Employment Security Act, we will strive to introduce suitable jobs to job seekers in a timely manner, based on their preferences and abilities.
  • We will make every effort to introduce job seekers who meet the requirements of the employer.
  • At the time of job placement, we will clearly state the job description, wages, working hours, and other working conditions to the job seeker in advance, using the designated job listing or email if requested. However, if there is an urgent need to conduct the placement and it is not possible to provide a job listing or email in advance, we will provide the required information through other appropriate means.
  • When introducing a job seeker to an employer, we will conduct the introduction process using the designated recommendation letter.
  • Once we have accepted a job posting or job-seeking application, we will take full responsibility for the job placement process.
  • In order to maintain neutrality regarding labor disputes, we do not introduce job seekers to employers during strikes or lockouts.
  • After employment is decided, we will charge a placement fee to the employer based on the fee table outlined in the appendix.


  • Our company will coordinate with employment agencies and other job placement service providers to promptly and appropriately handle any complaints from job seekers related to the business.
  • Regarding the results of job placements conducted by our company, both the employer and job seeker are requested to notify us. Additionally, employers are asked to inform us whether a job seeker, who has entered into an indefinite-term employment contract through our job placement service, has left the company (except in cases of dismissal) within six months of starting employment.
  • Personal information obtained from job seekers or employers will be handled appropriately in accordance with our personal information management regulations.
  • When providing job-related information through advertisements or other means, we will not display false or misleading information. If requested by an employer, job seeker, etc., to stop providing or correct the content, or if we find that the information is inaccurate or outdated, we will promptly respond. Additionally, we will periodically verify the accuracy of the information with the employer or job seeker, or clarify the timeframe of the information.
  • We do not discriminate based on race, nationality, beliefs, gender, social status, ancestry, previous occupation, or union membership when accepting applications, conducting interviews, providing advice, or introducing job placements.
  • Our company handles all job categories within Japan.
  • The general content of our business operation regulations is as stated above. However, all operations are conducted in compliance with the Employment Security Act and related laws and regulations. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant person in charge.